Wednesday, May 24, 2017

More Lutherhaven Pictures (And Eating A Worm!)

More pictures from the Great Outdoor Track students spending the day at Lutherhaven. Plus, eating a worm!?


Monday, May 22, 2017

May 18 Update

The Outdoor Track's trip to Lutherhaven was great. The weather held out and students were able to climb a variety of climbing walls and then take the zipline down. They also had a skill challenge where they had to balance on a timber about 35 feet in the air and go between trees. All in all a great day in Outdoor Track.

Friday, May 12, 2017

May 11 Update

All tracks held this week's track day on Thursday instead of the usual Friday because of the Great Outdoor Track's students competing in the Idaho Forestry Competition. 24 CFHS students participated. It's a annual, statewide event that brought participants from all grade levels from across the state to compete in six different forestry tests. There were approximately 600 students that took part along with 200 volunteers that made the competition happen.

The weather held out, our kids had a great attitude and had fun being part of a really cool event. Scores haven't been released yet, but will be published on Wampus Talks when we get them.